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The sustainability secret. Be enlightened.

Human Sexuality: God's Intentions

In this new newsletter that I created, read about Mark Gungor's presentation about human sexuality and what God has to say about it!

A DNA Model Portfolio

This is a portfolio that consists of photos of my handcrafted DNA model that my partner, Sam and I built.

Photo 51

In this PDF it contains interesting information as to how the research of DNA was actually stolen information!

Amazing Protein Synthesis

Warning: the following explanation of what Protein Synthesis does is highly fascinating!

Extraordinary DNA Structure

This research piece includes a wonderful illustration; made, once again, by yours truly. It also includes exciting insight as to what the structure is.

Mitosis: Part 2

My very own stop-motion of the incredibly complex Mitosis process made by yours truly. 

Mitosis: Part 1

Discover more about the process of Mitosis!

Communication: Cell Edition

Cells have four communicating means... watch my spark video to know more!

Bloodsucker: the Insect Museum Board

This is a creative method in introducing mouthparts of a particular insect known as a mosquito.

Headless Sex: the Praying Mantis Edition

In my final book report, it includes specific, graphic information about a majestic creature: a praying mantis. Read more to learn all about the exciting information based off of how mantids have sexual intercourse!

Cockroaches: the Masterpieces in Disguise

"Cockroaches are certainly not the most ideal, attractive species of an insect." Click the button to further read my book report based off of the masterpieces in disguise, which are more commonly known as cockroaches. 

Moths: the Great Ghosts on Wings

Moths may be unappealing to some eyes but if you read my second book report you will come to find that they are not all that bad.

Bees: the Sweet Honey Factory

Click to read more about my book report based off of the greatness of bees, honeybees in particular!

Anatomy & Physiology of an Insect

I used a video to describe some body structures that insects have the functions of them. Click the "Click here" box to understand more about the anatomy and physiology of insects.

Taxonomy "Slate"

In this slate, it explains domains, kingdoms and a brief description of binomial nomenclature.

Carolus Linnaeus "Newsletter"

A biography of Carolus Linnaeas and how he contributed to the improvement of identifying plants and animals.

My 12 Insect Orders

This slate is about the 12 insect orders that I selected myself, and I described what type of insect is in each order and their characteristics.

Insect & Successfulness

This slates states a few characteristics that makes an insect... an insect. It also describes the success rate of insects.

Chemical Tests Analysis

Further information on the nine Chemical Tests and step by step how to read them on a curvy chart.

Chemical Tests "Slate"

This is all about the Chemical Tests department, click the button to read about what makes Chemical Tests so important to Eagle Eye Inc.

Lakewatch Newsletter "Slate"

This is my Lakewatch slate, this contains the answers to the six why's, in the lab and on the lake protocols, a lake's life cylce, and finally a description of abiotic and biotic factors of a lake. 

EEI Benthics

My EEI Benthics Slate is about four different benthics from each of the four distinct groups, their life cycle, and how they can effect the water quality of a lake. 

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